1. Term of your stay 2. Prices and Rooms 3. Personal data 4. Confirmation
Arrival day:
Number of nights:

Hotel Raffaello - Mapa

Hotel Raffaello - Arrival Details

Hotel Raffaello on the map of Prague.
Address: Hotel Raffaello, Legerova 485/54 street, Prague 2
Location: 10 min. to center
Prague map: See Hotel Raffaello on the map of Prague.
Check in: 14:00
Check out: 12:00
Parking Near the Hotel
Public transport: Metro Line C, station I. P. Pavlova, tram nr. 4, 6, 10, 22, 23, statione I. P. Pavlova


Hotel Raffaello photo 1

Hotel Raffaello photo 2

Hotel Raffaello photo 3

Hotel Raffaello photo 4

Hotel Raffaello photo 5

Hotel Raffaello photo 6

Hotel Raffaello photo 7

Hotel Raffaello photo 8

Hotel Raffaello photo 9

Hotel Raffaello photo 10

Hotel Raffaello photo 11

Hotel Raffaello photo 12



Look at Hotel Raffaello  on the map.

QR code Hotel
